Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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to be shaken by movements
Ka egkahakgak iyan ka egkataltal wey egkaantag te minsan nekey ne egkaweil.
Mahaan e gutasi su nahakgak te terak ka ingkeen ku.
I starve right away because what I had eaten was shook by the truck.
Diyè nu te ulu te terak ipeuntud ka terak su egkahakgak ke diyè te lebut.
Let the pregnant ride at the front seat because it will be shaken if at the back.
Kenad egkahi ka radyu ne imbeli te iney ku su nahakgak te peg-untud terak.
The radio bought by my mother was broken (lit. won't speak) because it was shaken in the truck.
Eng. woddle
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009