Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a place inhabited by evil spirits (busew). Usually this is a rock face (dalama) or a large tree especially the balitì tree
Ka dayuwan iyan ka inged ne wey ke pinamula, wey minsan nekey ne hinimu ne due mig-ugpè ne kenè ne iling kanta. Ka me buyag migkahi ne iyan kun mig-ugpè dutu ka migbelig wey migbantey te sika ne inged wey ke pinamula, wey ke hinimu.
Kenè kew dani-rani te sika ne baliti su dayuwan.
Don't draw near to that baliti tree for that is sacred.
Kenè kew pamanihus dutu te sampew su dayuhan seeyè.
Don't bathe at the waterfall because it is/was honored.
Dayuwan ka baliti diyè te Sita su due eglalag ke marusilem.
There's evil spirit in Baliti tree in Sita for there's crying of women during night.
Wrd.Gloss: spirit_dwelling
Eng. spirit dwelling; dwelling of spirits; sacred place; honored; honoured
Tag. dangál
Ceb. dungog
Ilo.: dayaw
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 02/Aug/2016

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