Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Fr. Eng. hands up
for someone (eg-ansap, mig-ansap/in-ansap/pig-ansap, agent, eg><ø-) to raise one or both hands (eg-ansapan, mig-ansapan/in-ansapan/pig-ansapan, ig-ansap, theme, eg><an-, ig><ø-) above their heads, e.g., as in school when indicating that you have the answer to a question
Wrd.Gloss: raise_hands
I-ansap nu ka belad nu.
Put up your hand. (Command of teacher at school.)
Syn. hural
Eng. raise hands; hands, raise; surrender
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,RMU,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 28/Oct/2014