Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: puhawang; suman-suman
MS: puhawang; suman-suman
an idea or group of ideas about how something works or why it happens. People are not 100% sure that it is true.
There are different theories about how the pyramids in Egypt were built.
Due nalein-lein ne me puhawang meyitenged ke immenu te pegbebaley ka batu diyè te Ihiptu.

Def.: pamaahi wey katuenan
MS: pamaahi wey katuenan
ideas and information about something
I know the theory of how to make a raft, but I've never done it.
Nakataha a te pamaahi wey katuenan te peggimu te gakit, piru warè e pad nekeyimu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1

Def.: mapuhawang
MS: mapuhawang
related to theory (ideas), not to practice (actually doing something).
My course is very theoretical; we don't have much chance to use what we learn.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012