Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: matanggu-tanggu; maal-alumama
MS: matanggu-tanggu; maal-alumama
If a person is responsible, they are careful and make good decisions.
She is young, but I trust her to care for my baby because she is very responsible.

Def.: due katenged ne eggimu
MS: due katenged
If you are responsible for something, or for doing something, it is your job to do or organize that thing.
The secretary in our committee is responsible for making notes during the meeting.
Ka sikritari te grupu ka due katenged ne eggimu te pegpanulat diyè te miting.

Def.: iyan miggimu te minsan nekey.
If you are responsible for something that happened, you caused it to happen.
I want to know who is responsible for the broken seat.
Egkeupian a ne egpakataha ke hentew a ka nakarereet te pinnuuwan.
He was not responsible for the accident. It was somebody else's fault.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0501-0525

not responsible (sense 1).
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012