Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegpanulù te me katahaanan [kataha͡anan] ne egpakabulig te me etew te pegnengneng te iyam ne lugar wey ke sitwasyun.
teaching or information which helps people know a new place or situation.
Many colleges have a day for orientation for new students.

Def.: me himu ne due ne igkabagget te eggimu
MS: me himu ne due ne igkabagget te eggimu
the things that a person or group is interested in and wants to do.
He has a practical orientation, so he'd like to do a job in which he can use his hands.

Def.: namenu te pegkatahù wey pegkatangkè
MS: pegkatahù; pegkatangkè
The orientation of something is the way that it is facing.
What's the orientation of the building: does it face north or east?
Nekey ka pegkatahù te baley: migtangkè naa seini te balabahan wey ke igsilè?
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012