Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkatahuan
MS: egkatahuan
If someone or something occupies a place, they are in that place so that another person or thing can't be there.
The bed occupied most of the small room.
Ka hibatanan natahuan te langun ne me dereisek ne sinabeng.
There was nowhere to sit on the bus because children were occupying all the seats.

Def.: eg-ugpè
MS: eg-ugpè
If you occupy a house, you live there.
Renters will occupy our house while we are staying with our relatives.

Def.: eggamit te timpu wey suman-suman
MS: eggamit te timpu
If something occupies you, it uses your time and thinking. If you occupy yourself with something, you use your time and mind to do that thing.
His work occupies a lot of his time.
Ka trabahu rin eggamit te dakel ne timpu rin.
On rainy afternoons she occupied herself with making bead necklaces to sell.
Te me maapun [ma͡apun] ne eg-uran miggamit din ka timpu rin te pegpaniyuk te balieg ne igbelegyè.

Def.: eg-ugpè wey egbeye-beyè te sengeinged te pinehes
MS: eg-ugpè wey egbeye-beyè
If soldiers occupy a place, they come to that place and control it by force.
Their army has occupied the government buildings of the neighboring country.
Ka me sundalu ran mig-ugpè te baley te gubirnu te sumbaley ne nasud.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012