Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var.1: gubilnu
Var. gubilnu
Fr. Eng. government
Meupiya ka+gubirnu diyè te lein ne nasud su warè kurakut.
The government in the other country is good for there is no lot of corruption.
Wrd.Gloss: government
Eng. government
Tag. pámahalaán; gubyerno
Ceb. kagamhanan
OCM: Administrative Agencies (647)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL
Last updated: 23/Nov/2009

Links to texts

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"gubirnu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

Links to health books

"gubirnu" in healthbook "Migsistu si Wini"

Link to Bible concordance
