Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, adv.
Def.: te limang; te liyu; te keinniyuhan
MS: limang, te; liyu, te; keinniyuhan, te
If something is behind something else, it is on the other side of it from where you are, and close to the back of it.
I keep my bike behind the house.
Miggeles ku ka bayik ku diyè te keinniyuhan te baley.
prep, adv.

Def.: namewuri
MS: namewuri
If you are behind, you are late.
I was sick and missed school, so I am behind with my study.
Migderalu a wey wara ad nekeiskuyla, sika ka namewuri e ka peg-iskuyla ku.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs; GSL0426-0450
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012