Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: malised su due masalig ne baad
MS: malised
If something is complex, it has many parts, and so is maybe difficult to understand or fix.
Building a house is a complex job.
Ka pegpangimu te baley su malised ne himu.
The pattern of this cloth is very complex, with many different colours all mixed together.
Ka ilinganan te kumbalè su amana ne malised, ne due masalig ne batek ne nenekegsewug-sewug.

Def.: nalibulung ne derakel ne baley ne due nateil ne karuan
a group of buildings together (e.g., a sports complex).
The sports complex has a gym and a swimming pool, and a running track.
Ka nalibulung ne derakel ne baley ne due galawanan wey pamanihusan.

Def.: prublima te suman-suman wey eggeramen ne egpakapasuman-suman te minsan nekey te egkaamanaan [egkaamana͡an].
a mental or emotional problem that causes someone to think too much about something.
She has a complex about her teeth, and worries about them all the time.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2

Def.: pegkamalised su due masalig ne baad
MS: pegkamalised su due masalig ne baad
the state of being complex.
The complexity of this problem makes it difficult to solve.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012