Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: klasiyan te pegsulat te palinneu
MS: palinneu
a system of written symbols, words or actions which communicate a message. If you know the system, you can understand the message.
We couldn't understand the letter, because it was written in code.
Kenè ta egkasabut ka sulat, su insulat seini te lein ne pegkasulat iling te palinneu.

Def.: punpun te me numiru wey ke litra ne egkahamit te pegnengneng te nenateil ne inged
MS: numiru, punpun te me; litra, punpun te me
a set of numbers or letters which you use to identify a particular place (e.g., a postcode, or a telephone area code).

Def.: punpun te me kukuman wey ke balaud
MS: kukuman, punpun te me
a set of rules.
There is a dress code at the restaurant: no tsinillas or T-shirts.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012