Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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/awl-ter-nate (v), awl-ter-nət (adj)/
Def.: egpasel-atey; egkasel-at
MS: egpasel-atey; egkasel-at
If two people or things alternate with one another, they do something in turn (the first one does something, then the second one, then the first again...).
I am sick, and I alternate between feeling hot and feeling cold.
Egderalu a, egkasel-at ka eggeramen ku te egmeinit wey egmaagsil [egma͡agsil].

Def.: egpaselsel-atey
MS: egpaselsel-atey
You use alternate to talk about two things which happen in turn.
She and I cook on alternate days. She cooked yesterday, so I need to cook today.
Sikandin wey sikeddì egpaselsel-atey ka egsusubba te tagsè aldew. Gabii sikandin, sika ka kuntee sikeddiey e degma.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Apr/2013