Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkeel-elitan; egkatahuan; egkeelehan; egkeugpaan; egkeyirehaan
MS: egkeel-elitan; egkatahuan; egkeelehan; egkeugpaan; egkeyirehaan
If a building accommodates people, it has space for them to sleep.
This building accommodates 50 people.
Ka seini ne baley egkatahuan te lalimma ne pulu ne etew.

Def.: egteil wey ke egbehey te egpeugpaan wey ke egpeyirehaan
MS: egpeugpaan; egpeyirehaan
If you accommodate people, you provide a place for them to sleep.
I can accommodate three more visitors in my house.

Def.: eg-elit-elit; eg-alumama
MS: eg-elit-elit; eg-alumama
If you accommodate someone, you change your behavior or plans so that the other person will be comfortable.
They had planned to leave on Friday, but they changed to Saturday to accommodate their friends.
Migplanu sikandan ne eg-awè te Birnis, piru nabalbalawan te Sabadu su mig-elit-elit pad sikandan te alukuy ran.
Sem.Dom.: AWL9
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013