Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a head covering made by tying a shirt or something over one's head, or by holding a banana leaf or similar over one's head
Ay-ayari nu Maning te egterung ka batè su egkasubid.
Make good the head covering of the child for him to be not wet.
Eng. head covering; hat, improvised; umbrella, improvised
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egterung, migterung, agent, eg><ø-) to put something (igterung, interung, instrument, ig><ø-) on or over someone else's head (egterungan, location, eg><an-)
Pinnuu ka su egterungan ka eyew ka egkeinitan.
Sit down and I will put a cover on your head so that you will be free from the heat of the sun.
Eng. cover head; head, cover
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egteterung, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to cover their head with something (igterung, instrument, ig><ø-)
Eng. cover head; head, cover; wear head covering
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egkaterungan, location, egkA><an-) to be sheltered from the rain by a banana leaf or similar
Ke duen kew egkamet te diralem te baliti egkaterungan kew te dewen wey kenè ne meinit.
Eng. sheltered; protected
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 10/Mar/2014