Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka seini ne lalag iling te sika wey due ne layun egkagamit te egpalallalahey.
Awè ka rue.
Get out there.
Due ne lugal.
In that place.
Syn. due
Eng. there
Tag. diyan
Ceb. diha
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F

Updated by: RJH,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 30/Apr/2013

Links to texts

"ruen" in text "Childbirth"

"rue" in text "The Barrio Fiesta (Egsahakeen) and Castration"

"rue" in text "Two carabaos fighting"

"ruen" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"rue" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"rue" in text "Morning Darkness"

"rue" in text "Morning Darkness"

"rue" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

"ruen" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

"rue" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

Links to health books

"rue" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"rue" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

"rue" in healthbook "Miggendiye te huspital si Mirsi ka migtibi"

"rue" in healthbook "Naluwasan si Iwayan"

"rueg" in healthbook "Nabekeg si Junjun teg keenen"

Links to songbook

"rue" in song "Zakiyu"