Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka pungpung iyan ka ngaran te sabeka ne punduk te behas ne egkatalibubù iling te tebbuwè, paras, balangas, wey duma pad. Ke sahing pa seini ne egngaranan te ulid wey ke sepì naa, ne emun ke paley ne tagdey. Para degma seini te prutas ne egkatalibubù se behas.
Naamin ku ka sabeka ne pungpung te tebbuwè ne impupu te iney ku diyè te kamet.
I eat up all the one bunch of lansones picked by mother in the farm.
Seini ad e se egtinawè te senge pungpung ne balangas kunaleg te egkahan-ganaran bes e egkasagpìka sugpang ne impamaneyikan ku, sikan naa ka miglatabì e iya ka neulug.
While trying to reach one bunch of rambotan I wasn’t aware that the branch I climbed up was slowly breaking off, that is why I made a noise when I fell.
Iyan egpuunan ne nekeendiyà a te bawianan su impakeiran a ka egpupu te senge pungpung ne balangas.
The only reason why I am admitted to the hospital is the bunch of rambotan that makes me ill.
Eng. cluster; bunch; stem
Ceb. pungpong
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: TME,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014

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