Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-uyan
MS: eg-uyan
If you bring something to a person or place, you come to that person or place carrying it with you.
He brought me some vegetables from his garden.
Mig-uyanan a nikandin te me gulay puun te pamulaan din.

Def.: egdumeen [egdume͡en]
MS: egdumeen
If you bring someone to a place, you cause them to come with you to that place.
If your friends from Cagayan visit you, bring them here to my house.
Emun ke egpanumbaley ka me alukuy nu ne egpuun te Kagayan, dumaa [duma͡a] nu sikandan kayi te baley ku.

Def.: egpakabehey
MS: egpakabehey
If something brings you another thing, it causes you to have or experience that thing.
Reading can bring great enjoyment.
Ka pegbasa amana egpakabehey te kahalaan.
Stealing will only bring you trouble.

Def.: eggimuwen ka minsan nekey peendiyè [pe͡endiyè] te nateil ne sitwsyun
If you bring something to a particular state, you cause it to be in that state.
The driver brought the jeepney to a stop.
Ka drayibir impasanggel din ka dyip.
Irreg.  brought, brought.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0201-0225
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012