Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. leppew
for someone or something (eglepew, miglepew/inlepew, lepew, agent, eg><ø-) to appear; to arrive somewhere (eglepawan, inlepawan/miglepawan/piglepawan, lepawi, location, eg><an-)
Wrd.Gloss: appear
Eglepew e aselem si Amè puun te Dabaw.
My father will be arrive tomorrow from Davao.
Eglepawan ad kaaselem te me mahaliyug ku.
Tomorrow my visitors will be here.
Nakalepew e ka sulat te hari ku ne malitan ne egtetaharan ney.
The letter of my sister that were going to wait was already arrived.
Egpanlepawan ad te uhat ka egpakeseg.
My muscles are visible because i'm trying to be stronger.
Eng. appear; arrive; show up; attend
Tag. lumitáw; lumabás; sumipót
Ceb. lutáw; kitaon; dayág
Ilo.: lettáw; sipaparang
OCM: Sensation and Perception (151)
DDP: Appear (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for something (egpanlepew, migpanlepew/impanlepew, panlepew, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to appear all over (egpanlepawan, impanlepawan/migpanlepawan/pigpanlepawan, panlepawi, location, eg><an-paN-)
Panlepew e ka abas din.
Her measles appearing.
Cult. of bright flecks to appear all over the riverbank
Eng. appear all over
OCM: Sensation and Perception (151)
DDP: Appear (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egpalepew, migpalepew/impalepew, palepew, eg><ø-pA-) to be intentionaly show up something (egpalepawen, impalepew/migpalepew/pigpalepew, palepewa, patient, eg><en-pA-)
Cult. e.g. the tongue
Egalepew a te dilè ku.
I'll poke out my tongue.
Egpalepew a te kein-inuwan.
I'll show you a miracle.
DDP: Show, let someone see (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 20/Mar/2013

Links to texts

"egpakalepew" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"peglepew" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"