Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eggunting, agent, eg><ø-) to circumcise someone (nahuntingan, nA><an-) to be circumcised
Wey ad nahuntingi ke kanakan ad su liyasen ema dengan te deisek e pad.
I was already a teenager when I was circumcised because I was afraid when I was a child.
Cult. A small ilab knife is used. A flattened piece of bamboo is placed under the foreskin and then there is only one quick straight cut with the knife. No skin is actually removed. The ceremony is done in hiding with several boys around 12-15 yrs old being circumcised at one time by one of the elders. It is said that if one is not circumcised, he becomes weak and yellow and is unable to father children.
Gramm. Because gunting is now commonly used to refer to scissors, the Cebuano term for circumcision (tulì) is often used instead of this. If gunting is used, the body part (lasu) may need to be specified to make the meaning clear.
Ant. luep
Syn. tulì
Eng. circumcise
Ceb. tulì
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: RJH,AAA
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009