Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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v.Picture of eg-apir
for someone (eg-apir, mig-apir/in-apir, apir, agent, eg><ø-) to give five to someone (eg-apiran, in-apiran/mig-apiran/pig-apiran, apiri, location, eg><an-)
Cult. The action of 'giving five' involves one person hitting the raised palm of the other.This may be done, for example, to congratulate someone, or when someone tells a joke, or to show that you like someone's actions.
Eg-apiran ku si Bora su nakadaug sikandin te papitawey te katuenan.
I gave five to Bora because he won a prize during talent night.
Eng. give someone five; approve
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Created: 26/May/2009
Updated by: QDL,RAA,NJK
Last updated: 29/Jun/2010