Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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àèìù (copy and paste these where you need them)
/ʔɔŋɔʔ (e->ɔ ng->ŋ glottal->ʔ)/
n or v or adj (If the example has eg- or mig- with the root, it's a v, e.g., egkeen/mig-ugpè. Adj describes something and usually has mA- before it, e.g., maagsil/meinit.).
(XXX, XXX) XXX (doesn't start with capital – don't use underlines)
XXX (don't forget to mark glottals in lexeme field, inflected form, definition, and example sentences, e.g., words like and diyè and ihì.)
XXX (don't forget to put before the key word)
XXX (don't forget to put before the key word(s))
Eng. XXX (put the most common ones or best fit ones first – don't use underlines)
Tag. XXX (put the most common ones or best fit ones first)
Ceb. XXX (put the most common ones or best fit ones first)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: XXX
Last updated: 07/Sep/2018