Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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àèìù [Compulsory]
/ʔɔŋɔʔ [Compulsory]/
Pron.: pronounciation for roots like pa:n
Var. If there's a variant
(English comment on variant)
Var.1: Variant used by older speakers
Var.1: Variant used in Panganan, Dihungan and Kiulem areas
Data Qual: If something needs fixing [RJH] XXX
Fr. Eng. for English donor word (or ds=Spanish, dc=Cebuano, dt=Tagalog)
gloss introductionAll this information is from Matigsalug SFM Dictionary format.ods (inflected form, pronunciation if necessary (usually lo:ng vowels), case frame, affixation) Gloss – This record shows the order in which fields normally go in the dictionary.
Wrd.Gloss: word_gloss
MS definition (final glottal stops must be marked herè).
MS example sentence (final glottal stops must be marked herè).
English translation of example sentence.
Tag. Tagalog translation of example sentence.
Ceb. Cebuano translation of example sentence.
Gramm. Extra grammatical info
Cult. Extra cultural info
Ant. Antonym
Syn. Synonym
O. Syn. Overlapping synonym
Spec. Member of limited set
cf. EncyclopedicComment (can follow any of the rx fields above)
Eng. English index words
Tag. Tagalog index words
Ceb. Cebuano index words
Proto: Proto-Manobo form
OCM: Semantic category (unknown category)
DDP: Moe DDP4 semantic domain (unknown category)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L=loan F=frequent M=medium R=rare
Created: 10/Oct/2012
Updated by: RJH
Last updated: 12/Apr/2018