Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kinarakelan wey keilangan
MS: kinarakelan; keilangan
A major thing is very large or important.
This is a major road, so there are a lot of trucks.
Seini ka kinarakelan ne kelesadda, sikak masalig ne me terak.
That school is the major school in our area, although there are some other smaller ones too.

Def.: sabdyik ne egbehayan nu te dakel ne uras
In a general college course where you can choose subjects, your major is the area of study which you choose to focus on.
She is studying science with a major in biology.

Def.: egbehayan te dakel ne uras ne sabdyik
In a general college course, if you major in an area of study, that is the area of study which you choose to focus on.
He is going to major in biology in his science course.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1
Status: ready

Last updated: 07/May/2012