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a tablet
Ka tablitas iyan ka me delemetan/bawi ne eggimuwen te me duktur wey duma pad ne me etew ne due me katuenan ne eggimu kayi. Kenè amana seini ne dakel piru narasek-dasek wey bayew makehal.
Kahiyen ku te egsepè ke kindi, kunaleg te tablitas bes.
I thought it was a kendi that's why I chewed it, but rather it's a tablet.
Eng. tablet
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,TME
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

Links to health books

"tablitas" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"tablitas" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"tablitas" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"tablitas" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"tablitas" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"