Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egsilengleng, migsilengleng, insilengleng/pigsilengleng, actor, eg><ø-) to walk in the rain to work something (egsilenglengan, migsilenglengan, insilenglengan, location, eg><an-)
Esilengleng ad e te uran su egkarusilem e.
I will walk through the rain because it is almost dark.
Egsilenglengan kud e te eggaani ka paley su egke-uyan egbaggiyuwan.
I will harvest the rice even in the rain so that it will not be washed away by the flood.
Eng. walk in the rain
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a person or animal (egsilsilengleng, migsilsilengleng, insilsilengleng, actor, eg><ø-rdpCVC-) to walk or playing always in the rain
Egsilsilengleng e pad te uran su warè a nakapamanihus ganna te maselem.
I will expose myself under the rain because I was not able to to take a bath in the morning.
Eng. walk in the rain; always; often
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 13/Oct/2009