Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka seini ne ayam, dakel, makepal se laplap, warè bulbul, malayat se irung, dakel se talinga wey due ngipin ne malayat. Mananey ne eggipanew, wey egkaayun ne eg-unturan. Due daruwa ne klasi te ilipanti: diyè te Aprika egkakita ka sabeka wey ka sabeka diyè te Asya. Ka diyè te Aprika, malayat se ngipin wey ka diyè te Asya malepet. Ka me ngipin te ilipanti, mahal su eggamiten para igdikurit te me baley te due egkeyimu.
Malised ne egmansuwen ka ilipanti.
It's hard to manage an elephant.
Migpeyimu si Hari Sulumun te trunu rin ne iyan inggamit ka ngipen te ilipanti.
King Solomon had his throne built from the teeth of elephant(s).
Eng. elephant
Tag. elepante
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Created: 24/Aug/2010
Updated by: RJH,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 06/Nov/2015

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