Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Wrd.Gloss: soul
Ka gimukud iyan ka baad te lawa te etew ne kenè egkakita. Migkahi ka duma ne seini ka egpuunan ne egpaharem ka etew te masakit, egpakasuman-suman wey eggeram te naleinlein ne peggeram ne egpuun te pusung. Seini degma ka eggiphipanew ke egkewulep ka etew wey egpakataheinep e te minsan nekey.
Cult. This is the part of a person which goes walking when the person is having a dream
Eng. soul
Tag. káluluwá
Ceb. kalag
Ilo.: karárwa
OCM: Spirits and Gods (776), Ethnopsychology (828)
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone when they dieto ask the spirits for the soul of someone (eggimukuren, inggimukud/miggimukud/piggimukud, theme, eg><en-) that they are very attached to so that they will become sick and die also and thus join the deceased person.
Ka eggimukuren iyan ka egseleran te mareet ne panisingan/gimukud te napatey e ne etew. Egdaralu ka etew wey sengekakuwa egpatey ke kenè egkapalangesaan te babuy, manuk wey duma pad ka egderalu.
Eggimukuren a te anggam ku ne napatey e su pinalanggà a nahud nikandin.
The soul of my dead uncle will enter to me because I am his beloved.
Eng. soul attack; soul enter
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 28/May/2014

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Links to songbook

"Gimukud" in song "Geyinawa te Manama"

"Gimukud" in song "Geyinawa te Manama"

"gimukud" in song "Su naangken kud si Hisus"

"gimukud" in song "Su naangken kud si Hisus"

"gimukud" in song "Keupianan te pegsalig ku"