Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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See bayè
Lord; Son of God
Ka Magbebayè iyan sika se Manama, ka miggimu te langun kayi te ampew te tanè. Ka eleg ne egdeyrayen, egsimbeen, egpasalamatan, hihid-uwen, mabehey-behey wey manluluwas.
Kenè kew kalaggew te langun ne me prublima niyu su isalig niyu te Magbebayè.
Wrd.Gloss: Lord
Eng. Lord; Master; God; Jesus Christ; Christ
Tag. Panginoón
Ilo.: 'Apo
OCM: Spirits and Gods (776)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH
Last updated: 23/Oct/2013

Links to songbook

"Magbebaye" in song "Malinis kad naa?"

"Magbebaye" in song "Sayeen ta si Hisus ne Manluluwas"

"Magbebaye" in song "Ul-ulahing ka keddi ne pusung"

"Magbebaye" in song "Ka keddiey ne umul"

"Magbebaye" in song "Minsan egkaangken ku ka kalibutan"