Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpamalehet
MS: egpamalehet
If you prove something, or prove that something is true, you show that it really is true.
He showed his ID to prove that he was the owner.
See proof

Def.: egkakita; egkanengnengan (meyitenged te egkakita ne kamalehetan peg-impus te sabekan timpu te sika ne butang)
MS: egkakita; egkanengnengan
If something proves to be a thing, you see after some time that it really is that thing.
She was nervous before, but the exam proved to be easy.
Amana ne nalaggew sikandin, piru ka iksam amana bes ne lelemuwi.
She proved to be a very good singer.
Irreg.  prooved [proovd], prooved/fb:proven [proo-vən].