Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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adj, pron.
Def.: ka ikaruwa (te daruwa ne kasangkapan)
MS: ikaruwa
You use latter to talk about the second of two things (and you use former to talk about the first).
Sometimes we have white rice and sometimes we have red rice. I like the latter.
Sengekakuwa ne due maangkag ne behas ney wey sengekakuwa degma due malalab. Egkeupian a te ikaruwa.

Def.: baad te hitabù wey te senge timpuwan ne marani e te keepusan
The latter part of an event or period of time is the part closer to the end.
The latter part of the game was very exciting.
Ka marani e te keepusan te galew su amane e ne makabebagget.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0826-0850
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013