Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglapew ka karakelan wey ke kakeseg
MS: eglapew
If an amount exceeds another amount, it is more than that other amount.
It was very, very hot! The temperature exceeded 35 degrees.
Amana ne iiniti! Ka keinit miglapew e te tatelu wey lalimma ne pulù ka keinit.
He often exceeds the speed limit when he drives in the city.

Def.: eglapew te balaud wey ke tamanan
MS: eglapew
If you exceed a rule or limit, you do more than you should do.
He exceeded his authority when he closed my shop, because he doesn't have the authority to do that.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012