Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egtagnè, migtagnè/intagnè, agent, eg><ø-) to prophesy (egtagneen, intatagnè/migtagnè/pigtagnè, patient, eg><en-)
Cult. this ability can be from an evil spirit or from God
O. Syn. antuk
Eng. prophesy; predict; discern
Ceb. tagnà
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L
Data Qual: maN-??eN-delC-
(manenagne) a medium; a prophet
Manenagna ne etew si Nilya, sikan naa, masalig ka me etew ne eggendiyè kandin su egpatagnè ke nekey ka egkeyingumaan te umul ran.
Cult. e.g. someone with a busew who can divine the name of a sickness or the name of a thief
Eng. medium, a; prophet; fortune-teller
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Last updated: 27/Jul/2016