Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. panday
Fr. Ceb. panday
a carpenter
Wrd.Gloss: carpenter
Ka pandey etew ne egpangimu te baley lamisa, bangku wey nekey pad ne eggamit te sipilya, puntuk, duma ne eggamit para egkeyimu ka minsan nekey. Warè labet kayi ka Manama.
Hendiyè kew te baley ni Danilo ke egpeyimu kew te baley su pandey sikandin.
Go to Danilo's house if you want to build a house because he is a carpenter.
Eggendiyè kaaselem si Rani te Luwey su egpamanday te leeb din.
Rani will go to Luwey tomorrow because he is going to build his small house.
Eng. carpenter; builder; chippie
Tag. karpentero
Ceb. panday
Online dict status: -
Usage level: L

Updated by: RJH,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 19/May/2014

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