Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka mawus iyan igpasabut ka egpekeiling te belad te laptap. Iyan himu kayi ka eglukat, eglekeb, egtinurù wey egbitbit. Diyè seini egkakita te seled laptap.
Meupiya ka mawus ku su kene egweil-weil diyè te seled te laptap.
My mouse is nice because it's cannot moving into a laptap.
Kenè nu weila ka mawus su egkaweil ka inggimu ku diyè te laptap.
Do not move the mouse because it cause to move my work.
Eng. mouse
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
Created: 07/Jun/2017
Updated by: RAA
Last updated: 01/Feb/2018