Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for there to be (eglekep, miglekep/inlekep, lekepi, eg><ø-) a solar or lunar eclipse somewhere (eglekepan, inlekepan/miglekepan/piglekepan, lekepi, location, eg><an-) by something (iglekep, inlekep, instrument, ig><ø-) (e.g. another planet, the moon or the earth)
Iyan seini ka pegmarusilem te timpu te maaldew; Iyan ka peg-akeb te aldew te bulan.
Kenè kew leug-leug kuntee ne aldew su eglekep kun.
Dont go anywhere today because it is said that there is an eclipse.
Eglekepan ka kalibutan ta te seled te tatelu ne aldew kahi te me matagseb.
There will be an eclipse of the whole world which is about three days long.
Iglekep te kalibutan ke egkalapisan te lein ne kalibutan ka kalibutan ta.
There will be an eclipse if the other planet blocks our planet.
Eng. eclipse; solar eclipse; lunar eclipse
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821)
DDP: Sun (1.1.1), Moon (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 18/Nov/2009