Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Wrd.Gloss: Ilayow
Cult. A male's name. Not common among the younger Matigsalugs.
Migbebaley si Ilayew diyè te Simud su egpeugpaan din te anak din ne eg-iskuyila.
Ilayew built a house there in Sinuda for his children who are in school.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: P

Updated by: RJH,AAA,QDL
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

Links to texts

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"Ilayew" in text "Death of a Young Man"