Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a type of spirit that leads people to be greedy and eat uncooked meat
Due Balbal ni Hasin su bel-is sikandin.
Hasin has a Balbal evil spirit because she is greedy.
Wrd.Gloss: evil_spirit
Cult. Wants to eat people.
Eng. spirit variety
Tag. aníto; espíritú
Ceb. ispiritu
Ilo.: aníto; espíritú
OCM: Spirits and Gods (776)
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for something (egbalbal, migbalbal/imbalbal, theme, eg><ø-) to cause someone to become greedy (because of the balbal spirit) (egbalbalen, imbalbal/migbalbal/pigbalbal, eg><en-)
Egbalbalen e ka sika ne etew su amana egkeibeg te ngalap.
That person will become greedy because he likes eating to much meat.
Eng. crave for game
OCM: Spirits and Gods (776)
DDP: Want (3.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egkabalbalan, nabalbalan, agent, egkA><an-) to be greedy; to eat something all by yourself
Egkabalbalan e si Patrisya te bakbak ne neutel rin.
Patrisya is getting greedy of the frog that she caugth.
Eng. greedy; glutton
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(balbalen, -en) gluttonous
Kenè ne meupiya ka etew ne balbalen.
The glutton person is not good.
Eng. gluttonous
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 04/Dec/2015