Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: katenged; keyimtang
MS: katenged; keyimtang
Your status is how important you are in a group or in society, and the way that people in the group think about you.
Money affects people's social status.
Ka seleppì egpakaapiktu te tawhanen ne keyimtang.

Def.: keugpè wey keyimtang te nateil ne timpu
MS: keugpè; keyimtang
The status of something is the state that it is in at a particular time.
What is the status of the new road? Is it finished yet?
Nekey ka keimtang te iyam ne kelesadda? Neimpusan naan e seini?
What is your marital status: married or single?
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012