Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: gumà
MS: gumà
a thin piece of material which you use to tie things together.
She always ties her hair back with an elastic band.
Layun din egputusa ka bulbul din te gumà.

Def.: ka maluag wey ke malig-et ne mabatek ne lingya
Note: i think maybe mabbatek and mallig-et should have the basic (singular) forms here, not the plural forms.
MS: lingya, malig-et ne; lingya, maluag ne; lingya, mabatek ne
a wide or narrow line which is a different color or material from the things around it.
The rainbow has seven bands of color.
Ka beluntu due pitu ne mallig-et ne batek ne nalingya.

Def.: katammanan ne taman dè te taliwarè te daruwa ne punduk: kenad egsubla wey kenad eg-isues.
In physics, a band is a range of frequencies (e.g., radio waves) between one frequency and another.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1201-1225
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012