Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Oh! [exclamation of pain, grief, or great joy]
Wrd.Gloss: ouch
Keyyey! Amana ka ulu ku ne masakit.
Ouch! my head is really painful.
Keyyey! Amana sikan dakdakel ne peit.
Oh! That's a really big fish.
Keyyey! egpeleren e te batè ka sahing.
Oh! the child is going to cut down tha banana.
Keyyey! Manama, hendei e naande iya eg-ubpè seini.
Oh! Lord, where I gonna live.
Eng. Oh!; ouch!
OCM: Sensation and Perception (151)
DDP: Pain (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: JLM,QDL
Last updated: 24/Jun/2010

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