Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(intestinal) roundworm
Keriren ne bata dengan si Tata te deisek din pad.
Genr. uled
Eng. roundworm; worm; intestinal worm; parasite
Tag. buláti; úlay
Ceb. watí?
Ilo.: ariet
OCM: Fauna (136), Theory of Disease (753)
DDP: Spider (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,NJK
Last updated: 15/Sep/2009

Links to health books

"kerid" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

"migkerid" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

"egkeriren" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

"kerid" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

"keriren" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"