Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a blind person
Wrd.Gloss: blind
Ka seini ne lalag iyan sika se kenè egpakakita su warè mata pun te napigsè wey duma pad ne hitabu ne egkawarè ka mata.
Ka Iney ku butud ne kenè egpakakita.
My mother is blind and she can't see.
Eng. blind
DDP: Blind (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for someone (egkabutud, nabutud, actor, egkA><ø-) to lose an eye
Nabutud si Tatu su natiyuk te duhi te balahen ne inggetas din.
Tatu was blinded by the thorn of rattan he cutted. (his eyes was pierced by the thorn)
Eng. lose eye; one-eyed; blind
Tag. pisák
Ceb. bulhog; usay mata
Ilo.: búlding
OCM: Sensation and Perception (151), Bodily Injuries (752), Ethnoanatomy (826)
DDP: Eye (, Blind (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 28/Nov/2009

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"Nabutud" in song "Dakel ka keyid-u"